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Pastor Mark Dricker



AT 10:00 a.m.


We are a small friendly congregation located in the center of Fleetwood, Pennsylvania.  Visitors are welcome to worship our Lord Jesus Christ in our peaceful sanctuary.  You will find our church family to be warm and inviting. 


We are doing our best to worship safely and minimize the spread of COVID-19.  The following procedures are currently in place, thank you for your support and understanding:

  • Everyone will be required to wear masks to enter, exit and move around in the building.  Every other row of pews in the sanctuary is taped off for “NO seating.”  When seated  in the pews, ALL persons (fully vaccinated or not) may remove their masks for the duration of the service.

  • The bulletins will be on a table at the top of the stairs and at the entrance to the fellowship room.  The offering plates will be on the same table rather than passed by ushers.

  • Communion will be done in the pews or in the fellowship room seats.  We will use the individual pre-packaged cup with wafer as the safest method of communion.  The cups will be placed on the tables with the bulletins on communion Sunday, take one along to your seat.

  • The Fellowship Room on the first floor will be “Masks Only” at all times, including during worship, as the option for those who do not wish to be in the sanctuary with others who remove their masks.  Chairs in the fellowship room are set up 6 feet apart.  Families and husbands and wives may move chairs closer to each other, socially distanced from others. 

  • Disposable masks and gloves are available inside the front and back doors and hand sanitizer stations are located throughout the building.

  • Children’s Sunday School (ages 3-10) mask wearing are decided by the adult participants on a week to week basis.

  • There is no nursery care at this time, but the room is available for parents.


**If covid cases in Berks County escalate (average 50 or more cases per 100,000 residents or have a test positivity rate equal to or greater than 8 percent) we may require masks to be worn at all times in the building.

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Visit and select Emmanuel United Methodist Church Fleetwood, PA.  For every dollar you spend, Amazon will donate 0.5% to our church (for eligible purchases).  Happy shopping!

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